We are supporting Rainbow Hub

Our chosen charity…

We are pleased to be supporting Rainbow Hub, based in Mawdesley, Lancashire. This is a charity which provides therapeutic services for children and young people with physical disabilities because of a neurological condition or brain injury.

Set up in 2001, Rainbow Hub has been helping as many as 85 families per week to  reach their full potential and gain more independence. The picturesque purpose-built site offers a unique family first approach, accessible to all, with clear vision to brighten lives of disabled children.

No other charity or non-profit organization offers such a diverse range of child brain injury services. Conductive education uses repetitive physical activities to help children and young people carry simple movements. This is aiming to develop greater bodily control, improving motor skills, function and looking at development. This includes social, emotional, and intellectual aspects.

Rebound therapy involves the use of a trampoline to facilitate movement, promoting balance, relaxation, sensory integration, and an increase or decrease in muscle tone. This improves the mobility and strength of children with additional needs.

Family support – Caring for a disabled child has a profound effect on all the family. Rainbow Hub offers emotional and practical support for all the families. Anything from lending an ear, filling out forms, medical appointments and school meetings.

To donate and read more about Rainbow Hub please click here


A charity close to our hearts

This charity really is close to our hearts. As Lakes Cottages and Lodges Managing director Chris Murray and partner Hayley Phillips tell us about their son Cole Murray. Pictured to the left.

“In May 2017, our little boy Cole came into the world 13 weeks early. After completely falling in love with him and a very rocky start, we were excited to bring him home, with no idea how our whole world was going to change. We noticed Cole wasn’t developing as expected and at 9 months old Cerebral Palsy was suspected. Very soon Cole was diagnosed as having spastic, quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. With no experience of any of our children having a disability, we felt really scared but were determined to give him not just our love but also support so he could live as normal a life as possible”.

Chris & Hayley continue the story. “We then ventured completely into the unknown but were determined to get the best for Cole. It was then after loads of research, we stumbled across Rainbow Hub.

This amazing place welcomed us with open arms and let us know we were not alone. Cole has been attending Rainbow Hub since he was 18 months old. They are our lifeline. They never say never, they celebrate the smallest of achievements, of which there are lots. They are always there to listen and continually support all the children and families to reach their full potential. Cole’s mobility, confidence and understanding has improved massively since attending Rainbow Hub. It is also the only place we get to meet and chat with families who are in the same position. Rainbow Hub really is an amazing place, changing the lives of children and families all over the northwest. We could not be without them and the unknown has become less scary, and the future is now much brighter.”

Because Rainbow Hub is very literally close to our hearts, we at Lakes Cottages & Lodges are supporting their incredible work helping children with disabilities and their families.

We are asking all our guests to kindly consider an optional donation of £3 per booking (or multiples of £3) to support Rainbow Hub. For every kind donation made, each year we will pledge to match pound for pound the sums raised.

Thank you on behalf of Chris, Hayley, Cole and all the families who Rainbow Hub can help because of your kind donations.

To donate and read more about Rainbow Hub please click here

Rainbow Hub is a charity registered in England and Wales. Registered charity number: 1127498